The CA General Election is on November 5, 2024. Click here to learn how, where, and who to vote for.

The CA General Election is on November 5, 2024. Click here to learn how, where, and who to vote for.

  • A new network for Democratic politics in the Antelope Valley

    Antelope Valley Democrats for Change is a new Democratic Club in the Antelope Valley focused on bringing forward a new era of leadership and Democratic politics to our High Desert communities.

  • The California Primary Election is on March 5, 2024.

    Check out our 2024 Election Hub to meet our endorsed candidates and learn how you can cast your ballot.

What we are doing

  • Executing consistent and effective mobilization tactics against key elected officials, as well as political demonstrations focused on relevant issues affecting our community.

  • Increasing Democratic support and turnout by engaging voters using traditional organizing tactics—knocking on doors, phonebanking, texting, and postcarding.

  • Creating a community of like-minded people by building a space to connect, through activism, dialogue, and electoral success in the Antelope Valley.

Upcoming Events

Antelope Valley Democrats in Action